Monday, January 14, 2013

Sun on snow

SOUNDTRACK : Go by Jónsi

It’s amazing how big a difference some sunlight makes. It’s been quite glum and dark in my neck of the woods (that is suburban Stockholm). The snow on the ground does help a little, but the sun’s late rise and early fall does not help at all. I try remind myself that days are in fact getting longer and longer (can’t wait for those almost-24-hour-days in mid-summer) but it seems quite futile when it’s dark when I leave for work in the morning and dark when I leave work in the afternoon.

I think Swedes are especially doting of the sun. Possibly because of the long winters and the quite compact darkness that come with it. But possibly just as much because Sweden really does show off its best side in sunlight. Thought that’s really true for most…myself included.

This past Sunday offered up the most amazing winter sun. The snow glistened, kids were rushing downhill on snow-racers and “stjärtlappar”*, and I enjoyed some peace and calm leaning against a dark wall, face tilted up toward the sun, smile face-wide and music in my ears.

It was a good shot of vitamin D, and great reminder that the sun is really the star of the show!

*Internet says the translation of "stjärtlapp" is "bum patch". So, there you have it.

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